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Sometimes I write
Creator Life
Life Lessons
Nutrition & Training
IF1: Hunt first, eat later
The brain fog buster
Top 5 little-known hikes in Norway
Chapter two —The three pillars of strength
Can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
Healthy Minimalism
The unknown king of performance enhancement
Create a yoga morning habit.
Being childish will change your life
There is a way to fight smartphone addiction.
Dopamine detox is a lie
Things you don’t want to hear about coffee.
How much does it cost to live in Norway? (Countryside/Cabin)
Chapter five — Training tools of titans
Chapter one —There is no perfect training plan
The truth behind science
Chapter three — Hardcore Training Science
10 edible plants in food shortages
Eat the trash
BCAAs. Stop wasting your money.
How to buy a cabin or farm in Norway
How to sell your photo prints online (Full Tutorial)
Chapter six — Why letting go is the way to success
Save your attention span
Chapter seven — Life is like a diet
Chapter four — Ultimate training periodization
Simple life in Norway is not what you think it is!
IF2: Hunger makes you superhuman
Smashing plateaus
Adulthood 2.0